Holistic Health Consultations
Healthy as a Horse
For a natural approach to your health and well being.
Your practitioner
My name is Kelly Stevens, I hold a National Diploma in Homeopathy from the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy plus a Bachelor of Health Science (complementary medicine) from Charles Sturt University (Australia)
Consultations - a full natural health consult takes 90 minutes and also has a 30 minute follow up 4 weeks later. Total cost $120
Horse consults: within 50km radius $120 for 60 minute consult and a follow up phone consult 4 weeks later.
Homeopathy is a system of complementary medicine used to treat both acute and chronic conditions. The principles of Homeopathy were established over 200 years ago by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann who was disillusioned by the harm being caused by contemporary medicine and practices. Homeopathy is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’ or the ‘law of similars’ and uses only the smallest doses, making the therapy both safe and effective.
Treatment is directed at the whole person rather than a few symptoms and a correctly selected remedy can stimulate the natural healing forces of the body to bring about health. Homeopathy’s effectiveness in a wide range of conditions is increasingly being verified by high-quality clinical and laboratory trials (both human and animal), many of which have been published in respected journals in recent years e.g. The Lancet, British Medical Journal, Pediatrics.
What does a holistic health consult involve?
I work in a similar way to conventional doctors. However, as well as asking about your symptoms, I am more interested in you as an individual and the unique way in which your symptoms affect you. As well as your current symptoms, we will discuss your lifestyle, medical history and state of mind before prescribing the appropriate homeopathic medicine and/or vitamins and minerals. I am bound by the same code of ethics as a medical doctor, and your private information will be kept safe at all times.
What does a holistic health consult for a horse involve?
Discussing the horse with the owner and trying to build a full picture of its current health versus how healthy it has been in the past. What symptoms are the main concern to the owner, and when they first became noticeable. What things tend to make the horse worse or better. Changes in environment and life style and gauging an overall picture of health from their eyes, coat, teeth and feet.
What are homeopathic medicines made of?
Homeopathic medicines are made from small amounts of natural substances such as plants and minerals. Prepared in licensed laboratories, under strict control, they are usually taken as a tablet but are also available as liquids, powder or creams. The right remedy I may need time to review your case before prescribing a remedy. Please be prepared to wait a few days before receiving your prescription. A follow up appointment or phone call will be scheduled at the end of your consultation (there is no additional cost for this).
To make an appointment.
Email info@healthyasahorse.co.nz or call/text +64272005171